Mix OmniPork with marinade and sit for 15 minutes.
Shape OmniPork into pork chop (about 1-inch thickness). Chill in fridge for 15-20 minutes.
Take out then dredged in flour, egg mixture and breadcrumbs in order respectively.
Transfer to air fryer and brush with some oil. Bake at 200°C for 12 minutes or until golden.
Onion shredded. Tomato diced.
Heat a pan over medium high heat, then grease with some oil. Stir fry garlic and onion until softened. Add tomato and Campbell’s Japanese Style Minestrone Condensed Soup. Reduce to low heat and cook for a further 10 minutes until sauce has thickened.
Spread red rice on a baking pan, pour in tomato mixture, top with vegan cutlet pork chop and sprinkle with some cheese. Bake at 200°C for 8 minutes or until cheese has melted. Ready to serve.
Red and white rice mix: Ratio of red to white rice is around 1:4, or adjust according to own preference.
Soak red rice in water for 4 hours before cook is recommended.